Friday, July 19, 2013

Weekend Eve

I hope you all have amazing weekend plans!

Today I am confronted with a gigantic stack of papers that need to sifted through and sorted out and dealt with. Can I not and say I did? Good thing DD pulled through for me this morning.

I'm out of Pandora skips already this morning and the Beibs is on. My ears are bleeding.

Meaningless office babble. Do you prefer BIC or Sharpie highlighters? Personally I like an assortment of both, I like the Sharpie yellow better but I enjoy the thin point on the BIC.

Hair day tomorrow! Finally not going to look like I'm trying to join the crowd in this ombre epidemic.  I miss my bff for many reasons but this is definitely one of them. It was an amazing 2 hours of girl time and a lot of bleach and foils. Soon bff, soon.

I will now get back to work. May Mother Nature cool her PMS hot flash rage and cool down a little because if you are near me you are currently experiencing triple digits and atrocious humidity.



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