Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Imprints of amazing people

I have encountered a lot of great people already in my life and hopefully my luck streak continues. My previous job up in MT wasn't just a paycheck, they were my second family. I started when I was pregnant with E, they have been there from the beginning of all my mess. They still mean a lot to me and ya I like my job here but it's not the same working without them.

As I posted yesterday Friday was my birthday and I took the day off to head to VA. I came into work yesterday to a ton of voice mails and emails and sticky notes, 2 of which were absolutely perfect and the reason for this post.

In true Bob fashion she called with the rest of the office to wish me happy birthday and my voicemail starts out with "Jessie how dare you not be in the office today!" and then proceeds to wish me happy birthday. Some people may take offense but if she called and was all sweet and not a smart ass then I would think she was ill and I would be concerned. She really is me just 20 years older :-)

My office mom/second mom sent me an email that reminded me just how lucky I am to have her in my life. She never had to be anything more than my boss Monday through Friday 8-5 but instead she gave me advice and hugs when I needed them, she housed and fed me, and she is one of my favorite women. She has been through her ups and downs and she still loves unconditionally and sends out extra chances even after people have done her wrong but will put her foot down when she needs. Proof that being nice isn't always a bad thing and she is always putting everyone else first. As a woman she knows her strengths and her weaknesses and doesn't hide from her feelings. This is a snippet of what her email to me read "Sounds like you are happy and that is what we always wished for you!!"..."Keep in touch with me and take care of
yourself-you are way too valuable to not be happy! Love, your second Mom!". I am truly blessed and lucky to have such an amazing woman in my life.

In true Tuesday fashion today does not look promising. Good thing DD pulled through for me.



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