Monday, October 17, 2011

Booger baby

My fb wall is constantly full of E-isms. Ranging from sweet little girl things to off the wall statements too complex for my daughters mind. Yesterday she randomly walked up to me with "I would like to go to the beach please".  I love every minute and I can't get over how much every day is perfectly perfect with her. We are two peas in a pod, with just a slight difference in age. Im pretty sure if we were the same age we would be the best of friends.

Not only am I proud of the little person she is becoming, Im also scared that she's growing up to be an indepenent girl. As a mom I love seeing her become her own person and develope her own personalilty and mannerisms, but every day she needs me less makes me a little sad. She's such a little mini me and everybody laughs and loves when they see us interact, but I don't want her to go through what I did. No mom wants their daughter to love and lose and leave and be left, to miss out of laughs and be surrounded by tears, of course it got me here and got me her, but I want to keep her young and innocent forever.

So here's to the wonderfulness I call my daughter the wonderful Miss E:

"Girls are mean so I am just friends with those boys now"

"That (cotton) is my pixie dust because Im a cooler fairy than Tinkerbell".

"Daddy digs big rocks and momma works with craaazy people". Yes booger :-) Oh and when she grows up she wants to be..."Beautiful".

E is eating a gogurt and is using her toes...

Me: Ellie you're awesome.
E: Ya! And my hairs pretty

E: good job mom for using your blink lights! ...yep even the 3yr old knows im a horrible driver

"Guess what? I've got my dad's ears

E: What day is it? Me: Wednesday. E: Wednesday! What am I supposed to wear on Wednesday?!

According to E: You are old when you can cut a big pizza and bushes are smooshed trees.

"Mom I think ill only be cool when I get to go fly in a plane"

I told E we were going to see Miss Amie and baby and she goes "did she finally eat enough food for him to come out?" Yes :-) lol

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