Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The 4th day

Or 3rd, however you want to look at it.

I opened a new tube of toothpaste this morning. I love me some new toothpaste. It's a good way to start a day and super fresh paste is amazing.

I'm in a really weird mood today. Beyond happy, apprehensive, ecstatic, and slightly depressed. Hello! Welcome to the wonderful world of being a girl! I really think a "me" day will fix it. I feel guilty having E stay with my parents a night or two a month, even though I know I need to keep my sanity too. It's not like she's a hard or trouble child but it's nice to wake up when I want to, shower without having to open a granola bar and stop to make lunch in the middle of a de-clutter kick. Not feel bad about taking her to the gym on a weekend during our time, which I feel bad about taking her to 3 nights a week as is. So paycheck be damned I will be taking a day soon.

90s music blaring in the office and we are naming a robin that has decided to construct it's nest right outside our window.  Ahhh the joys of having happy nice people in the office :-)

Another day down and another to enjoy!


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