If you live here you better damn well know how to drive with a skiff, yes a SKIFF, of snow on the ground. There was so little snow this morning that the only places there was a trace was on the sidewalk and maybe in an unused turn lane. Do you think this stopped everybody from driving 8mph instead of the 35 they could have been going? No. Now lets combo shit holes with 4-way stops. 4-way stops are about the easiest thing to do while driving behind stop and go. After all you just stop and go on your turn, it's one of the first things you learn in drivers ed and yet everybody apparently forgets how to do this as soon as they turn the key. If you're going to drive like a asshat dipped in bird shit please go back to whatever state you came from, and if you are from here please go punch yourself in the face for me.
I will be bed hunting this week. I'm in need of a good nights sleep for once and I'm pretending that it's a bed problem and not the large amounts of activity that isn't allowing sleep.
Hugs and sugar plum fairies,
Please lady, do tell, what is a skiff of snow?