It may look like a disaster to you and it should because it is, but it's perfect and mine and I love every second.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
365 days
March 26th 2012 was the opening of a whole new world for both of us. We both thought we knew what to expect and didn't think it would be too bad. Looking back I wish this kind of thing had a prep course or at least an instruction manual. Military life has been an experience and even when I curse it sometimes I love where we are. Things may not always be the easiest but every life has it's own hurdles and these are ours. I have met some great people as has he. We are getting to experience the east coast and south over the course of a year plus instead of trying to cram everything into a week long vacation. I am bound and determined to enjoy and love a glass of sweet tea and I am embracing the humidity and heat that is about to knock me on my ass.
More importantly I have learned a lot about myself. I am not as independent as I believed I was. Single motherhood is hard and it takes strength, but this requires a different strength. I have had to learn to let him walk out the door knowing I won't hear from him until he comes back. I have learned to be patient and flexible. Things with the Army can change at any point and time, and just when you plan for one thing be prepared for "Plan F" to come into effect....or do you?
Some days I look back behind me at the spot that I came from and it exhausts me to see how much my life has changed, yet I wouldn't have it any other way. This is a wonderful adventure for our family and the pride and accomplishment that I get to see on Superman's face is priceless.
Happy 1 year Anniversary!
Friday, March 22, 2013
Stow away!
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Commuter fury
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
All the way!
Monday, March 18, 2013
Smell memories
Saturday, March 16, 2013
How I do Saturday nights.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Our conversation went like this....
Me: (about him heading back to work)Well I don't want you to get in trouble.
Him: Nah. I'm like a ninja.
Me: Ninja? You are amazing.
Him: I move in the shadows. Quiet like a breeze.
Me: Swift like a tiger?
Him: Swift like Taylor.
Me: Dude she's annoying as **** and sounds like a goat being battle axed.
Then we went on to discuss Paleo.
See old and married with kids is not all as uneventful as you'd think.
In other weekend news. E and I spent a very long but funtastic day with our friends. We trekked to the kids museum and ran around crazy chasing 4 kids all under the age of 6, then while everyone was tired and starving, because of course we didn't stop for lunch, I get us lost. A suburban full of starving crappy people with a gas gage hanging on empty and we are lost. Perfect. After scaring the front desk at a hospital for directions (phones suck in the boonies) we find a gas station and restaurant. Food, end of drive home, let the kids play for a couple more hours and boom, day is over.
Exhausting and eventful yes? Never underestimate a boring lifestyle :-)
Monday, March 4, 2013
E is the big 5!
I woke up to a 5 year old! Yes, you heard me correctly, 5. I cannot believe that it has already been that long. I remember seeing her little face for the first time, holding her all attached to monitors and then finally be able to take her home. Spending day in and day out with her, watching her learn and grow and develop into the wonderful little person she is today.
We went from milestones of rolling over to her spelling "communicate" on the way home from school. She's full of stories and imagination, which means there is never a dull moment in our house. I can't think of a day that I don't love her a little bit more than the next. Now I'm not saying we don't have our trying moments because we do, but as she grows and learns so do I. I am far from perfect as a person and a mom, but E has taught me so much and we may struggle and butt heads but it's all part of our wonderful little life.
I love her to pieces and am looking forward to everything else we have to go through together. Kindergarten in the fall, then best friends and fights, awkward wardrobe changes and funky hair cuts before we have to deal with boyfriends(I'm so giving Superman the green light on this one), ACTs and off to college or traveling Europe or whatever she decides to do.
Bring on many more smiles, tears, hugs and bed time struggles!
Throwback weekend
Superman knows just how to make a weekend perfect. We made all of the right stops, watched our favorite us movie and laughed more than we have in a long time.
I guess this lifestyle has taught me a lot more than I thought it would. I have learned to appreciate every second. Noticed that big things are really the little things and that missing someone is just apart of loving them.
So as an adventurous week begins I do so with an open mind and a full heart.