Life without a job is boring for this woman. I sit around all day with a list of things that I need to do around the house and then never do them because catching up on old tv shows, repolishing my toes 4 times and taking endless naps with the kittehs happen. Superman thinks that it's ok and that I should enjoy my unemployement status while it is because when I get back to work I will miss it. Call me crazy but next Monday can't come soon enough! I have had at least one job since I was 14 and being the primary provider for the past 5 years had made it necessary, now depending on someone even if it is Superman and not like I'm calling random family I haven't talked to in years to ask for money, I feel worthless without a job. So yay for employement and no more blah!
It's the week of Thanksgiving! Love love love this holiday! Eeee!! I will Gobble day blog later in the week after I drum up a menu for 3 and maybe we'll eat it on actual Turkey day depending on wonderful CQ shifts. I might just ask a couple of Superman's single friends that are stuck on base alone to join so I can make some food without having to eat it for 9 years....
We journeyed around Raleigh yesterday. Fun little place considering we only spent a couple hours there. The mall was fun and we took E to the kiddos museum and we went to a real museum. Great thing is it's just a short drive away! We then ran home for coats and then onto base for the Big & Rich concert! It got kinda cold so we headed out about halfway through but family time is never dull and never a waste of a minute.
I hope your week and weekend was as relaxing and joyful as mine! Enjoy your upcoming week with your (hopefully) long weekend.
A week of nothing is good for the soul every once in a while!