Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Oh sweet baby Jesus's birthday.

Has come and almost gone. There was wrapping paper strewn across the kitchen and E was hidden behind boxes. It was lonely without the mini supers but hopefully next year we can have the madness!  Superman put together the Barbie dream house and I have already contemplated removing batteries from a couple toys.

So from Carolina to all of our friends and family across the country and now world we wish you all a very Merry Christmas!



Friday, December 21, 2012

It's 3:24....a.m.!!!!

Welcome to the Army wife life. Superman has an unusually early pt session before his holiday, so of course here I am blogging while he shaves his face.

Being up this early means that I put no effort into getting dressed. None. Sweats and a hoodie and to spare the gate guys sometimes a hat to hide my scary mess of hair, I'm kind right? Superman informed me the other morning that when I incorporate the hat I look like a hungover college kid. Thanks sweatheart!

Awake but barely,


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Oh a pimp with a gimp.

Really there is no meaning behind my title besides the mere fact I enjoyed it.

Random Montana moment the other day. As I was driving home for the 2nd time that day I realized that this one hill and turn would suck in the ice and snow. I also contemplated how I would approach it if I did have to drive it in such conditions. Then I laughed at myself because I'm in Carolina and there is no snow here.

Naming your daughter Chardonnay automatically makes everyone think you are/were an alcoholic and sets your daughter up for the same. Think before you drink and name babies people!



P.S. it is not okay for your pants to get eaten by your lady parts. Either buy larger pants or pull them down a tad. Let's start shooting for classy instead of trashy.