Friday, May 20, 2011

Randomness on a rainy day.

Sometimes I listen to Disney soundtracks. I still cry at Cinderella and duh I still wish that I was a fricken princess.

Update on running: I am slow and I hurt. I love my new Brooks and I don't run like a penguin anymore because of them! I used to think runners were crazy because like boss man says "how is running for nothing fun?". Well boss man it just is. I am actually sad that we have a function tonight and I can't run.

Function from above: Gerrick is leaving the B-town, he is heading to the wonderful land of Canadia. I will miss this guy and his golden pipes that match his lovely locks that every girl would die for.

I believe that is all I would like to tell you.....maybe.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Sister-in-laws. You either love them or hate them.

And...I just got a new one! Well not officially yet but my little brother popped the question. I will give the little bugger props too for showmanship. A beach at sunset=romantic and if you know him that is a huge step!  I've known about it for a few months (heck maybe even a year) and it still made me all hippy and happy.

Now Im not gonna lie at first I wasn't too fond of her. Maybe it was lack of knowing her or maybe it was because she was too darn shy to get to know her. After a wonderful talk *insert sarcasim* he told her to shipshape it and here we are! E loves her which is great and don't tell uncle but she sometimes just wants her to come over :-)

Im really proud of him growing up and falling in love but a part of me is sad that he is growing up and falling in love. I loved my fun, carefree and wild little brother. He was me in my younger years and even though this is going to be a wonderful adventure for him and she has stuck with him through the long distances and military life, it will be a change. Im not really a fan of change.

So big sister is wishing them both the best of luck in their wonderful adventures!

